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Glimpsing through old pictures typically makes you think at least once, “What was I thinking?!” Same thing goes when it comes to online brands – but the worst thing is that mistakes online are more permanent than a tattoo. Check out some of these well-known websites when they first launched, originally published by






Yahoo! (Whoa)


NY Times

NY Times

Twitter (huh?)




Author Bio: Valorie Reavis

Social Marketer, foodie, closet geek
A marketing professional who has focused primarily on the hair and beauty business for of the past decade, Valorie now runs linkup marketing, a digital marketing agency for the hair and beauty professional. Valorie works to engage clients in the marketing process and help them successfully engage with their clients and community. Energetic and passionate about the industry, Valorie focuses on blending traditional and digital media in order to bring salons closer to their clients.

Valorie Reavis

Social Marketer, foodie, closet geek
A marketing professional who has focused primarily on the hair and beauty business for of the past decade, Valorie now runs linkup marketing, a digital marketing agency for the hair and beauty professional. Valorie works to engage clients in the marketing process and help them successfully engage with their clients and community. Energetic and passionate about the industry, Valorie focuses on blending traditional and digital media in order to bring salons closer to their clients.

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